“If I were more beautiful, would he love me more, or would that change nothing?”

Michelle Jones
2 min readJun 24, 2024
Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom on Pexels

If you’ve been together for a long time, making yourself more beautiful would change nothing. But if you’re still in the dating phase, it would help entice the guy more.

Looks play a huge role in attracting someone to be your partner, but it fades over time. It starts with discreet glances and shy smiles, but as you get to know each other better, you start to see past their beauty and focus on their character instead.

Being beautiful is not enough to maintain a relationship. It’s like having a Maserati but never using it — it’s all for display. If physical appearance is the ultimate deciding factor for him to love you, then that’s no relationship at all.

…unless you are pining over a man who doesn’t see you as a romantic prospect.

You’d probably show up on his radar if you were his exact type. Maybe he’s into redheads or curvy women. If you can tick a few off his list, you’ll probably have a better chance.

But attraction isn’t always about looks. It can also be about personality. Besides, beauty is subjective. If you are planning to change yourself just to fit into this man’s ideal type — don’t. To love others, you have to learn to love yourself. The right guy is going to like you as you are.

If I were you, I’d find someone else. Maybe even sign up to a matchmaking site to find genuine matches that are worth my while. It worked for me, and there’s no harm in giving it a shot.

You’re worth more than a man who only sees you for your looks. What you deserve is a nice man who can give you as much love as you can give. Hope you have a beautiful day!

